Page name: Beazul's Hell [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-13 02:20:08
Last author: The Warlock
Owner: The Warlock
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Beazul's Hell

The new owner- [The Warlock] treat him nicely, he now owns Everything!!


Hell's History
The History behind it all. 

Hell's Characters
The characters so far.

Hell's Spirts and Beasts
What Demons are out there. You can also choose these for you character.

Hell's Powers
The powers of the characters.

Hell's Notes
Notes. Questions are answered here.

Hells Pics
Go here for some Pics of People.
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Hell's Story So Far
What's Happened so far.

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2006-04-15 [Illona]: Scarlet stood there just lissening to his words. "you really do love him."

2006-04-15 [kirishima_kun]: i am happy for me to scarlet but also in great pain i was never able to find this feeling in life and think it strange that i should so easily feel it now but he does not witch i feel may be my curse in this he dosen't know i exist how would i explain it to him that im not alive that i posess some of the most powerfull magic ever created that magic even exist. how do i say that the world of life and death and evil are enthrald in battle for survival and that i am of assistance in the battle. how would i tell him it would bring him to danger hee would hate and fear me i couldn't live with that even in death.

2006-04-15 [kirishima_kun]: yes i think i do realy love him

2006-04-15 [kirishima_kun]: Ronsonal i am so sory to sound rude but i know more spells potions and encantations than you could ever imagon if you would like i might be able to teach some of my personal spells to you i have invented many magics of my own the rest i learned from my mother she was the greatest sorceress of all time she like i has died long ago at the same time i killed her in efort to destroy the world my body was controlled by evil and my mother killed me saving it from me she was forty i was 25 she went to heaven and though my soul did not comit the sins and was pure the evil spirits deeds sent me to hell and i have lived in peace practicing and profecting my skill and preserving my inner balance.

2006-04-16 [Illona]: Scarlet kneed down beside you she smile and slowly ran her hands along your face. "You must try or hide the truth till he is ready to understand. And your love for him will protect him along for his love for you will." Scarlet arose and smiled. "COme on you need a walk." she took your hand and walked besaid you.

2006-04-16 [Skw3rlch4n]: (wow. it's been awhile since i've been here. what's happened?)

2006-04-16 [The Warlock]: *Ronsonal just looks at her says thanks for the offer but for now i think im am fine with what i know if i do need anything ill be sure to come to you though*

2006-04-16 [Skw3rlch4n]: (wa~ah! i'm so confused!!)

2006-04-16 [Illona]: (LOL Well that sucks)

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Scarl;et groweled at them both. "Ronsonal I think you got confused.I was not asking you to join me on my walk i was asking him." she soon looked over at hidden, holding her hand out. "Please join me.You need some air." she smiled gently.

2006-04-17 [kirishima_kun]: i would very much enjoy that scarlet thank you

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Scarlet helped him up, soon she grabbed you gently by your arm and walked next to you.She smiled and began to hum gently.

2006-04-17 [kirishima_kun]: oric smiled gently down at her "i cant stop thinking about him is that normal"

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled up tords you "Oric I want to tell you that you will never forget of your one true love you may have many lovers before you have that one whom you love more of all the one whom you wish to stay with you forever.Well that is my case. But you, you must tell him how you feel and of whom you really are. You may just find that he loves you and you wouldnt even know it because you are scared of what he will think when he finds the truth of you."

2006-04-17 [kirishima_kun]: ill never take another lover at least none will be like him

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Scarlet looked up upon the sky "You know what I am affraid of Oric.I am affraid of lossing someone who means so much to me. He will never know. I know that there will be no one like the man you love, I understand because I am in the same boat. So I choose to live alone. All a Vampire has is time." she laughed a little at her stament and soon hummed gently soon a sad look upon her face came."That is probly why I did not answer him, when he asked me to marrie him.I am scared."

2006-04-17 [kirishima_kun]: whom is it that you love and why do you fear losing him

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Scarlet smiles "I am in love with one man and even before I was turned into a creature of the night when saw him as a young child.Arki is the man I will always love and affraid to loss him."

2006-04-17 [kirishima_kun]: and he feels the same for you the exact same way

2006-04-17 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled gently "I know its just.........." she soon stopped and gazed around the area for a moment.

2006-04-18 [Lucivar 6907]: ~walks up to scarlet~

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: just what scarlet

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet turned and closed her mouth, she soon smiled tords Arki "Hello Love." she looked over tords Rric and said nothen, she soon stood there, her head looking down upon the ground.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: it's okay i wont press the matter

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet then looked up and smiled "Thank you."

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: yur welcome if you think that there is ne thing magical to help i can and will do anything to help

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Oric there is nothing nor magic that will fixs this." Scarlet smiled gantly. "But thank you anyways." she smiled gently.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: im just happy to be of survice to friends

2006-04-18 [Illona]: "I am glad you are my friend Oric." Scarlet smiled and leaned over tords him and kissed him gently upon the cheek.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: i am glad to have met you to scarlet* leans in and kisses her cheek*

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled gently. "Now you must show me that guy./" she smiled gently.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: i will sometime hopefuly sometime soon

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet looked up tords you "Why not now?"

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: hmm i guess it is a good time

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled "well you dont have to right now I guess."

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: thank you

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled "you are welcome." began to hear rock music from a near by club, she smiled as she vanished from Oric and was in the club she began to dance suductivly.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: follows her and dances much the same but to a hot tall blonde guy near her

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled and joined the two.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: he keeps dancing the young man stops and turns to oric

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet wonders away, she dances with a coupdl of Vampires over tords the VIP, she soon entes and gazes downward upon all.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: young man"who are you" oricturns to scarlet"this is the guy you wished to meet"turns back to the tall sexy smart funy talented blonde haired blue eyed boy" I am oric do you mind dancing with me"

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled gently sne put her thumbs up and began to dance with her kind.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: the boy looks at him up and down."no not at all. are you to together.the boy looks towards scarlet. "no she is a close friend

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: but i and you could be

2006-04-18 [Illona]: Scarlet dances beautifully she grabbed a pole and began to dance upon it.

2006-04-18 [kirishima_kun]: i would like that the boy said but i will need to know more about you first the boy pulls oric from the scene to tlk NIght scarlet

2006-04-18 [Illona]: [What?]

2006-04-19 [kirishima_kun]: bye

2006-04-20 [Synirria]: He needs to learn how to use these babies " "!!

2006-04-20 [kirishima_kun]: use what

2006-04-20 [Illona]: Lol I am fucken confused

2006-04-22 [kirishima_kun]: lol

2006-04-22 [Illona]: Well I am

2006-04-22 [kirishima_kun]: lets go walk clear your head

2006-04-22 [Illona]: I need a shower

2006-04-27 [Lucivar 6907]: greettings

2006-04-27 [Illona]: Hello

2006-04-30 [Lucivar 6907]: how are you my love

2006-04-30 [Illona]: Um I am fine and what is with the "My love?"

2006-05-05 [Lucivar 6907]: nothing

2006-05-05 [Illona]: No come on tell, if you wanna write it in a message.

2006-05-23 [Lucivar 6907]: im back

2006-05-23 [Illona]: Sweet

2006-05-25 [Lucivar 6907]: what have i missed

2006-05-25 [Illona]: Nothen at all

2006-05-26 [Lucivar 6907]: ok

2006-05-26 [Illona]: ~iggled~

2006-05-31 [Lucivar 6907]: so where to begin

2006-05-31 [Illona]: Anywere

2006-06-01 [Lucivar 6907]: ok you start

2006-06-01 [Illona]: Scarlet wonders around.

2006-06-01 [Lucivar 6907]: *watches Scarlet from the shadows*

2006-06-01 [Illona]: Scarlet giggled "Hello."

2006-06-01 [Lucivar 6907]: hello my lady

2006-06-01 [Illona]: Scarlet giggled, "Heya"

2006-06-01 [Lucivar 6907]: how have you been

2006-06-01 [Illona]: being harast by a tukey dude

2006-06-01 [Lucivar 6907]: lol have hered that one befor

2006-06-01 [Illona]: Yes I am sure you have

2006-06-02 [Lucivar 6907]: *walk over to scaletand kisses her*

2006-06-02 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled and kissed you back, "That was just crazy and out there." she giggled and smiled

2006-06-05 [Lucivar 6907]: i know

2006-06-05 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled and cartwhelled itn eh grave yeard.

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: i take it as i made your day

2006-06-06 [Illona]: You may have

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: cool im glad i could do that for you

2006-06-06 [Illona]: Well thanks

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: ~walks up to her and holds her close to him~i've missed you

2006-06-06 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled, "how could you i didnt go far."

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: no but i have been gone for a time

2006-06-06 [Illona]: What have you been doen?

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: just forgeting the passed

2006-06-06 [Illona]: "Will you tell me of what you are trainign to forget so badly?" Scarlet looked into his eyes.

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: some thing i did a along time ago

2006-06-06 [Illona]: "Will you tell me?"

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: pleas don't ask me

2006-06-06 [Illona]: Scarlet arose from being from him, she soon left.

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: Scarlet pleas whait

2006-06-06 [Illona]: Scarlet stopped, "What?"

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: im sorry pleas forgive me

2006-06-06 [Illona]: "Why wont yout ell me?" scarlet looked upon him.

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: cuz its in the passed that where i would like for it to stay

2006-06-06 [Illona]: "but if you are talkign ofit now and cant forget it then it needs to be said."

2006-06-06 [Lucivar 6907]: i had killed so meny ppl to lats a lifetime

2006-06-06 [Illona]: Do youthink i havent((Sorry i have to go,I think i am working tomrrow))

2006-06-07 [Lucivar 6907]: ok your right

2006-06-07 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled gently, she walked over tords you as you sat there, she gently took her hands and ran them across your face.Soon gently sitting upon your lap, she wear a black cloths aroudn her brest, and a long skirt that was cut on both sides, going to her upper tighs. Crossing her legs, Scarlet legt leg showed upon the moon light, she soon leans upon him, placing her head in his shoulder.

2006-06-08 [Lucivar 6907]: i have missed you my love

2006-06-08 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled, "I have been here all along.Not going anywere."

2006-06-09 [Lucivar 6907]: i know ........but now im here to stay

2006-06-09 [Illona]: "They all say that."Signed and smiled.

2006-06-10 [Lucivar 6907]: but i mean it

2006-06-10 [Illona]: "I understand, but not always waht you say is the truth."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: walks into the graveyard(good evening how are you)

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Scarlet arose, "hello, I am well and yourself?"

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: ahh im doing well you look happy

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Smiling Scarlet nodded her head, "Yes I am."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: so what have you been up to

2006-06-12 [Illona]: "Nothing I guess just being here with the man of my dreams."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: wanna cause some trouble ya know have some fun and start a fight i mean we are here for a war that hasnt yet happened lets start it

2006-06-12 [Illona]: "You forget that we have no leader so what for?"

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: well why do we need a leader to raise hell

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Scarlet shruged her shoulders,"Go raise hell then"

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: oh comeon its not fun without someone else to do it with and your the greatest hell raiser i know right now

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Laughing Scarlet nodded,"That I am but I am tired."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: well then lets wake you up get ya goin i avent seen you mad about ne thin in forever

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled,"it isnt that easy."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: well what is the problem then you know im a fairly decent healer

2006-06-12 [Illona]: "I need food and sleep, and I want to be alone for awhile."Scarlet smiled.

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: fine eat and sleep and tommorow we fight that good for you

2006-06-12 [Illona]: "maybe"

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: yes or no and ill hold you to your word

2006-06-12 [Illona]: "No you wont."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: dang ur right but pleasssssssssssssse i was summoned for war and hyavent gotten to fight

2006-06-12 [Illona]: "i will think upon it."

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: yay fun fun fun

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Scarlet smiles and walked alone vanishign in the night

2006-06-12 [kirishima_kun]: teleports away

2006-06-12 [Lucivar 6907]: *appeared next to Scarlet* hello

2006-06-12 [Illona]: Scarlet smileds and nods her head, she was in a dark room with a massive bed with sheets of silk and darkness.

2006-06-13 [Lucivar 6907]: going to bed so soon my love

2006-06-13 [Illona]: I havent slept for a couple of day, I am very tired and very very hungry.

2006-06-17 [Lucivar 6907]: was you wish baby

2006-06-17 [Illona]: Scarlet smiled and closed her eyes, she lay upon a darkness which soon consumed her she just fell into darkness, hovvering there was no beging nor an end.

2006-07-07 [Synirria]: Pira looked around as she ran swiftly through the woods. She had been out hunting for a few days and was just now on her way home. Flipping over a low limp she smiled. 'Easy.'

2006-12-10 [Lucivar 6907]: Arki go back to the shadows has he looks apon scarlet

2006-12-10 [The Warlock]: *Ronsonal at a distance watches Pira go through the woods wondering what shes in such a hurry to get to*

2006-12-10 [Synirria]: Pira halts on a branch and looks around. Someone was watching her. Growling she turned and threw a dagger in the direction of the creature. Swiftly it jabbed itself into the tree by Ronsonal's head.

2006-12-10 [The Warlock]: *im sorry i angered you i was just here in the woods and saw you go by so quickly thats the only reason i was watching you*(then yanks down the dagger and looks at it)

2006-12-10 [Synirria]: "Ah, sorry Ronsonal. Didnt know it was you." Carefully, Pira jumps down from the limb and leans against the tree.

2006-12-10 [The Warlock]: *its fine i did kinda come outta no were,then looks to pira and says "you might need this"(hands the dagger to her) thats a great dagger you got how have you been?*

2006-12-11 [Synirria]: Takes her dagger and replaces it to its rightful place. "Fine. It's been a while since I've been back though."

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: *yes i know as well as for me*

2006-12-12 [Synirria]: "Ah, I see." Looking around she frowned. "Care to head into town?"

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: *ok sure*

2006-12-12 [Synirria]: Flipping her dagger in the air she caught it and continued to do so on the walk to town.

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: *you know when i was looking at your dagger a little bit ago i noticed how well it was made may i ask what blacksmith made it for you?*

2006-12-12 [Illona]: Scarlet grew tired, becoming bored with her suroundings she soon walked on a near path down alitte from her.

2006-12-12 [Synirria]: "I create all my own weapons."

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: *oh really well you do quite a good job if it be not to much truble might you make me one somtime soon?*(hey sarah)

2006-12-12 [Illona]: ((hey what?))

2006-12-12 [Lucivar 6907]: arki sits wotches over scarlet

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: (i was just saying hey cause i havent talked to you in awhile)

2006-12-12 [Illona]: Scarlets pruple eyes looked back tords Arki's as a deap and warm smiled appeared on her face she still walked on soon a gentle hum came from her sweet Intoxicated lips.

2006-12-12 [Illona]: ((Oh hey Back Jeramy...Whats been going on with you?))

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: ((not to much still at the same ole job doing the same ole thing but now it doesnt seem so hard dont know why. got a new girl and looks like ill finally be getting a car soon u?))

2006-12-12 [Lucivar 6907]: *hello my lady*looking at scarlet

2006-12-12 [Illona]: ((Wow congrads...I am on this program that I will be able to go to Australia, if I come up with 5,300 dollars and what not so that is a big stress))Scarlet looked up for a second and soon looked at him again, "hello" She said sweely and peacfully as she began to walk again.

2006-12-12 [The Warlock]: ((thanks wow $5300 thats alot of money what you gonna be going for?))

2006-12-12 [Lucivar 6907]: arki walks up next to her *sorry ive been gone for a wile *

2006-12-13 [Illona]: Scarlet shrugged her shoulder,"No biggy Love."((Its for an program that I was interveiwed for and what not.))

2006-12-13 [The Warlock]: ((o ok that'd be cool and all but still its alot of money))

2006-12-13 [Illona]: ((Yes I know this...Lol))

2006-12-13 [Synirria]: Pira looked at him and shrugged. "Just tell me what kind."

2006-12-14 [The Warlock]: *i just need one thats sharp and will hit its target every time with a design that fits my personality*

2006-12-14 [Synirria]: "Umhm..." Pira nodded and shrugged slightly. "Alright."

2006-12-15 [The Warlock]: "Thank you dear Pira just let me know when it is ready."*keeps walking with her towards town*

2006-12-15 [Synirria]: Nods gently and begins to hum.

2006-12-17 [Lucivar 6907]: arki gos back to the shadows and set there untill needed

2006-12-17 [The Warlock]: *looks to arki "want to come with us?"*

2006-12-17 [Lucivar 6907]: and where would that be

2006-12-17 [The Warlock]: (were going to town)

2006-12-17 [Lucivar 6907]: ok lets go

2006-12-17 [The Warlock]: (ok)*walks with pira and arki towards town "So whats new with you two?"*

2006-12-18 [Synirria]: Pira looked over at him but didnt answer. Gently she began twirling her dagger around on her fingers. She hand't been very talkative to the people in this kingdom. She sometimes wondered why.

2006-12-19 [Lucivar 6907]: i just had things to do

2006-12-29 [Lucivar 6907]: looks at pira~~what bout you~~~

2006-12-30 [Synirria]: Pira shot a glance over at him and frowned. "None of your damn business."

2006-12-30 [Lucivar 6907]: ~hey do get pisted at me if you dont want to tell us thin thats cool ~~

2006-12-30 [Synirria]: (Learn how to spell!!!!) Pira looked over at him. "No one ever said I was pissed. It's just none of your business. I've never liked you so I do not know why you continue to talk to me." (No offence but your role playing sucks....)

2006-12-31 [Lucivar 6907]: (i dont im just having fun)if thats the way you want it (yea i know i can't spell)

2007-01-01 [Synirria]: (WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?!?!?!)

2007-01-01 [Illona]: ((he is saying that he dosent care of how e role plays that he is having fun and that he spells bad and dosent car either~takes a deep breath~Wow i lost ar...Lol))

2007-01-01 [Illona]: ((Or is it wiht his post cause I am lost on that one as well))

2007-01-01 [Synirria]: If he continues to role play without any...detail Im not going to rp here anymore.

2007-01-01 [Lucivar 6907]: (look i will gut go away and let you have it all)

2007-01-01 [Synirria]: *Raises an eyebrow* That was not very mature...

2007-01-02 [The Warlock]: damn whats going on i am gone for a little while and when i come back we got people threating to leave and such what happened?

2007-01-02 [Synirria]: I just said he didn't put enough detail into his rping...that's all

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